When life throws Lemons, Lavender and Roses will comfort the "weary" soul of the New Yorker...Have a cupcake, Dear!

At the bakeshop I try not to miss making cupcakes. Why? People love them. Why you ask again? I don't know.. It's one of life's little sweet mysteries.

Lovely people come look for them. I've had soccer moms drive by from picking up their kids in school, bikers, office people on coffee breaks, neighbors walking their dogs or babies .. very nice people. Mind you, they come back if you promise you'd make some just for them.

One customer said cupcakes are really a New York thing. It's a staple. Maybe they have never outgrown it since "Sex in the City", and Magnolia Bakery!

A cupcake is really a versatile platform for creatively. A favorite cake recipe you can always use. With a little planning you can innovate on the frostings. It makes your kitchen smell good! It's a project worth doing with your kids or to make as a quick dessert when you have friends over.

I've made red velvets, vanilla, carrot, chocolate, pumpkin.. all sorts of cake batter as base. With frostings you can use ganaches, butter creams and such. Here's a few tips when baking, keep an eye on them and follow the suggested temperature and cooking times on the recipe. smaller cupcakes like this takes only about 15 to 18 minutes. It is advisable to check them after 10 minutes in the oven so you can gauge how long they need to bake. Use a cake tester to find out if the cupcake is baked through. As soon as your cupcakes are baked, have a prepared simple syrup of sugar and water, brush it on the surface of the cupcakes to lightly soak it. Do not over do..just to keep them moist, but not sweetened further. let the cupcake totally cool down before apply your frosting.

I always feel that balance is important in terms of cupcake and frosting ratio. I've seen cupcakes where the frosting is a little too overwhelming. You want a taste of everything in each bite... to enjoy. Just make sure to cover the surface of the cupcake with frosting. Like the pictures, as an example. Go easy on that sweet thing so just pipe out only as much to enjoy your cake and frosting, too. Create texture by adding nuts or sprinkles. If you're flavoring your butter creams (which i love to do) start adding it a few drops at a time and just work it in until it hits the right note. 

Slightly chill your cupcakes to let the flavors come together. When it is about the right moment to have them, take them out of the fridge and let it sit for about 10 minutes or so to come to room temperature. Make your coffee, make your tea, wash the dishes, tidy up and then come back for the cupcake, with your favorite drink. It's not that long, but it is worth the wait.

(The cupcakes featured in this post are - Vanilla and Lemon Curd Buttercream, vanilla and Rose Water buttercream , Vanilla and Lavender Buttercream)


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