What Makes A Cupcake A Cupcake

With the surge of cupcake shops all over NYC, cupcake flavors have become so numerous  and adventurous as well. From traditional to gluten free, eggless or what not, there's too many choices now only to confuse people and yet the truth still stands - The traditional flavors still hold its ground. 

And What makes a cupcake a cupcake? for me it would be a 4 ounce serving cake made with plenty of love not hype, with flavorful filling or without, with just the right amount of icing to go with every bite, and a flavor that you would always come back to after tasting a hundred different kinds. 

I recently made a few flavors for a cupcake order and they were - Yellow cake with lemon zest with Lemon Curd buttercream, Chocolate cake filled with Nutella and Chocolate Buttercream, White cake folded with raspberry gelee (turned naturally pink) iced with Raspberry Buttercream. I have to say that The Italian Buttercream has become a blank canvas for me to incorporate all these amazing flavors. I always recommend it to my customers when choosing something for a custom cake.

What you see here in this blogpost is the Lemon Curd Buttercream on the lemon zest flavored cupcake.   I love how the buttercream holds its shape creating that delicate ruffles. And I didn't have to use food coloring even. It's all natural.

On tips making a very light and not-sweet italian buttercream, don't hesitate to ask me and I would happily share a method or two.


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