The Elderflower - Stuff of Folklore and Refreshment

Here's the stuff of folklore and just damn good pastry flavoring - The Elderflower. The plant is said to ward off witches and yet the witches make brooms out of the plant. The flower and berries have medicinal uses, too! How cool is that? 

The fresh flowers are steeped and made into a syrup that is tart and floral at the same time. Popular in Europe and some places here, they use the syrup to douse cakes and ice creams with it and made into cordials. 

What made me curious about the Elderflower was this drink from Belvoir Fruit Farms. I tried their Elderflower and Rose Lemonade. It was just so good and refreshing. So I did my research, gathered my ingredients and made my own version. 

Ikea sells the Saft Fläder or Elderflower Syrup so I hunted it down. I have some Rose Water in my cupboard and Lemon flavored sparkling water on hand. Use one part syrup to 6 parts of sparkling water and just a few drops of the rose water - The Sugar Witch's Brew! haha

And out from the Sugar Warlock's champagne flute - The refreshing Elderflower and Rose Lemonade, minus the pink tint of the drink.

A must try and a must make!


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